Test Item Transmittal Report

Test Item Transmittal Report is a document which identifies test items by their current status and location information. It is also called Release Note. It includes the person responsible for each item, its physical location, and its status.

Structure of the Test Item Transmittal Report

  • Transmittal-Report Identifier – Specify the unique identifier assigned to this test item transmittal report.
  • Transmitted Items – Supply references to the item documentation and the test plan relating to the transmitted items. Indicate the people responsible for the transmitted items.
  • Location – Identify the location of the transmitted items.
  • Status – Describe the status of the test items being transmitted. Include deviations from the item documentation, from previous transmittal of these items, and from the test plan. Indicate if there are pending modifications to item documentation which may affect the items listed in this transmittal report.
  • Approvals – Specify the names and titles of all persons who must approve this transmittal. Provide space for the signatures and dates.

Documenting Test Execution

The Test Item Transmittal Report dispatches items to be tested to Configuration Management and the testing company. It determines all the parts which need to be tested.

Test Item Transmittal Report comprises:

  • items to be tested
  • their location
  • Test Procedure Specification
  • Test Plan

Especially significant is the Test Item Status, which describes deflections from the test item’s documentation or its test plan, or any fixes that have occurred since the last transmittal. Ultimately, it documents who gave approbation for transmittal into the testing function.

The Test Log is a simple chronological record of testing activity. The log records specific actions taken by software testers, defects and important incidents in the system.

Function of Test Item Transmittal Report

The most important function of a Test Item Transmittal Report is to let customers know that something has changed in the product. Particularly when that something may affect the way the customer uses the product. The change may be a new feature in the product. Also an entirely new product, or a change to the way the product works Likewise a change to the way the customer uses the product, and the removal of a feature. Or even the deprecation of the entire product.

Who Writes the Test Item Transmittal Report

Often, a technical writer creates the transmittal report. This is based on input from product managers, engineering teams, marketing advisers, and other stakeholders.

However, in other cases, a various teams write or contribute to the test item transmittal report. For Instance:

  • The engineering team may write the simpler release notes, such as minor releases (point releases) consisting of bug fixes.
  • Product managers or marketing managers create the content for major new features or product launches. This is particularly so if the organisation’s primary promotion channel is a blog. A case in point is the Google Maps APIs Blog.
  • A developer relations team may write software samples that illustrate a new feature in an API, and a video illustrating the new capabilities.

What to Include in the Test Item Transmittal Report

New features and products

Let people know about new features that enhance their use of the product. Provide an information-rich summary of what the feature means to the user, and how they can start using it. An illustration is good idea. Depending on the product, the illustration could be a screenshot, a photograph or video, a diagram, or a code sample. Also include a link to the documentation where people can find more information. If the feature was requested by customers and the feature request is publicly visible, link to it so people can see you’re listening to their requests.

Bug fixes

Include a list of the issues fixed in this release. Link to the documentation for further information where relevant. If the bug report is publicly visible, link to it so people can see you’re responding to their reports of problems.

Upgrade guide

Note any steps people need to take when moving from the older release to the newer release of the product. The nature of those steps depends on the type of product. For example, if the product is an API, the developers using the API may need to change their code. If the product is a software application, the system administrators may need to adjust configurations and update other applications that interface with or integrate into the updated application.

Deprecations and turn downs

A deprecation is a notice to customers that a feature or product is no longer recommended for use. And will or may be taken down at some point in the future. If possible, provide a migration guide telling people how to move from the deprecated feature to the new feature.

Other notes

Put yourself in the shoes of the user, and add the information you’d find useful. These notes may come from UX testing of the new feature, internal testing of the upgrade process, knowledge of customers’ procedures from the technical support engineers, or other sources.

To Wrap Up

A test Item Transmittal Report identifies a software item being given to the software group for testing. The software developers usually produce this and it usually identifies a particular version that is “ready for test.”

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