Validation of Software Test

Validation of software tests is the process of evaluating software during or at the end of the development process. Hence, to determine whether it satisfies specified business requirements.

To ensure that the product meets the user’s needs and also that the specifications were correct in the first place. In other words, to demonstrate that the product fulfills its intended use when placed in its intended environment.

Methods Used in Software Test

  • Black box (functional) testing – a testing technique in which functionality of the Application Under Test (AUT) is tested. Hence, without looking at the internal code structure, and implementation details. Likewise at the knowledge of internal paths of the software.
  • Gray box testing – is a strategy for software debugging. The tester has limited knowledge of the details of a program. A gray box is a device, program, or system whose workings are partially understood.
  • White box (structural) testing – is also known as Clear Box Testing, Open Box Testing, Glass Box Testing, Transparent Box Testing, Code-Based Testing, or Structural Testing. It is a software testing method in which the internal structure/design/implementation of the item being tested is known to the tester.

Steps in Software Test Validation

Creation of a Validation Plan

  • Creating a validation plan (VP) is the first step in software test validation. The program contains a description of the system. Likewise of the environment specifications, assumptions, limitations, testing criteria, and acceptance criteria. The plan also includes identification of the validation team. Therefore,  including the responsibilities of each individual, required procedures, and required documentation.

Defining Requirements of the System

  • Setting the system requirements (SRS) is the next step. The description of system requirements has two categories: 

1) Infrastructure requirements identify the personnel resources needed and the facility and also the equipment required for the task. 

2) Functional elements include things like performance requirements, security requirements, systems, and even user interfaces. Also, the environment needed for operation. It also needs system risk analysis to asses the functional requirements. System risk analysis also identifies gaps. 

Creating Test Specifications and Validation Protocol 

  • Testing starts with the development of a test plan (VP-Validation Protocol) and test cases (Test Specifications). The test plan defines the objectives, scope, approach, risks, resources, and also the schedule of the software test. 

 The Actual Testing

  • Black box testing  is a method of software testing. The internal structure is unknown to the tester. Also the design, and the implementation of the item.

Develop/Revise Procedures & Final Report

  • Development and revision of procedures for system use and likewise for administration. The Final Validation Report or Validation Report (VR) typically serves as a validation wrap up. The final release so the system can go into production is the approval of the report. The report should contain information like the location of system support, training the user, addressing the system security and backup, and likewise recovery strategies.

Winding Up

Validating software tests is an essential phase in quality assurance testing.  Properly validated software tests result in high-quality software, therefore meeting the demand of the end-users. Thus satisfying clients.

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