Multi-Repository Development

Whether we admit it or not, we know that software development is an activity that is full of complexities. This is where we are able to develop applications along with its features in order to offer services of high quality to our clients.

For example, the Google Chrome browser pulls more or less 100 libraries into its third-party folder once you build it. The foremost significance of those libraries is Blink, the rendering engine. Still, we also have FFmpeg for image processing, skia for low-level 2D graphics, and WebRTC for real-time communication (to cite a few examples).

Dependency Updating is Complex Enough

To avoid complexity and do the most straightforward method, testers must check in a copy of the particular library., use it for building, and, of course, prevent touching it as much as they can. This kind of method or solution, however, is not as flawless as you think it will be.

The problems you might encounter include missing out on fixing bugs and the newest features of the library. So, what if you are in need to add the new feature or fix a bug that you just discovered? Here are some options that you can choose from.

What You Can Do

Keep the library updated to its latest version released. If it was eons ago since your last update, then you might risk the quality of your application. Also, you will need to spend an ample quantity of vital testing sources in order to make sure that the process will not destroy your app. Moreover, catching up to various interface changes in that particular library is also a must-do.

Be picky in choosing the bug or feature that you want in your library. You must be careful in picking since the ones that you will choose may depend on the changes in the library. Also, This does not make your library update to its latest version.

Look for ways where you will not need any unnecessary bug or feature.

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