Dynamic Testing

Dynamic testing is the testing of the dynamic behavior of code. It is the examination of the physical response the system to variables.

Primarily, testing involves verification and validation. In other words, Dynamic testing falls under the verification aspect of testing.


Aim And Purpose Of Dynamic Testing

Dynamic tests makes sure that software works properly during and after software installation. This is the primary aim of dynamic testing. Furthermore, it also ensures a stable application, without any major flaws. Hence, it is common knowledge that no software is free of errors and flaws.

Primarily, the purpose of the dynamic test is to ensure consistency to the software. Likewise, it also refers to the different standards, for instance,compatibility, usability, and many more. Therefore, making dynamic testing important in software development.

Types Of Dynamic Testing

There are primarily two types of dynamic testing:

  1. White Box Testing
  2. Black Box Testing

White Box Testing

In White Box testing, the tester is aware of the internal structure or design of the software being tested. Primarily, it aims to check the performance of the system based on the code. Furthermore, White Box testing is performed by White Box experts or developers. Hence, these people have sufficient expert knowledge on the programming.

Black Box Testing

Black Box testing is a method where the internal structure, design, or code is NOT known to the tester. In other words, verifying the functionality of the system under test the main aim of Black Box testing. Therefore, it requires to execute the complete test suite. However, the tester may perform Black Box testing, even without knowledge in programming.

There are two types of Black Box testing:

1.) Functional testing – functional testing verifies that all the developed features are according to functional specifications. Hence, it is performed through the execution of functional test cases which are written by the quality assurance team. The system is tested in the functional testing phase. This is done by providing input, verifying output, and comparing actual results with the expected results.

Levels Of Functional Testing:

  • Unit Testing
  • System Testing
  • Acceptance Testing

2.) Non-Functional Testing – this is a technique which does not focus on the functional aspects. On the other hand, it primarily concentrates on the non-functional attributes of the system. These may include system performance, robustness of the system, or memory leaks. It is possible to perform non-functional testing at all levels of testing.

NonFunctional Testing Techniques:

  • Performance Testing
  • Recovery Testing
  • Compatibility Testing
  • Security testing
  • Usability testing

Techniques In Dynamic Testing

  • Test Case Design and Implementation – It derives the coverage items, test conditions, and test cases.
  • Environment Set Up – In this phase, there is a need to install the build and manage the test machines.
  • Test Execution – Involves the actual execution of test cases.
  • Bug Report Captured – If the expected and actual results are not same then the Test case has to be marked as “Fail” and a bug should be logged.

To Sum It Up

Any kind of testing is important when it comes to software. Hence, these tests have the same primary goal, and that is to deliver software of high quality to the end users.

These tests may vary in their techniques, methods, and approaches. However, they share the same goal. Thus, aim for the same output. Especially when it comes to performance, functionality, usability, and quality of software.



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