Challenges in Mobile Testing

Mobile testing is more complicated than testing traditional desktop and likewise web applications. Hence, a process is not complete without challenges. Developers and testers face a lot of problems.

In this article, let us get to know about the common challenges encountered by mobile testing.

Platforms, OS and Device Fragmentation

  • Operating systems are being laundered with high frequency. Therefore, understanding the permutations and combinations required is becoming more complicated. However, device fragmentation is the most complicated aspect of mobile testing. Hence, a variety of mobile operating systems poses a challenge for engineering teams. Also, the capability issues of mobile applications complicate further.

This following solution is useful in solving this issue:

  • Identify the problems using emulators. This helps in identifying security and also network impact.
  • Identify and likewise use a mix of mobile interface lab and cloud-based mobile testing services.
  • Identify to save a lot of time. In addition to this, it helps to focus on a smaller set of issues.

Network Diversity

  • The use of network emulators helps understand and hence, provide a basic level of testing. Therefore, testing on real networks is much more necessary. However, there are odd network carriers ruling connections world. Fragmentation, in this case, is very complicated than OS.

Many organizations are using device emulators. The operator’s web or test proxy reduces or avoids changes along with test stack. With performing testing using a WI-FI network, we should consider these aspects:

  • How does the application operate offline?
  • Are there any constraints with the impacted memory?
  • What happens when you swift to WI-FI or networks?
  • What is the effect of different WI-FI speeds?

Security issues

  • A secure private cloud can provide all the access to testing. Applications and devices managed by the private cloud are more reliable than applications running in public. There are no data breaches.

Lack of access to multiple devices

  • It is possible for two or more testers to need the same device at the same time. One tester is left without waiting for the other to finish their work. In procuring multiple devices, it involves cost incurring. It also includes additional time. It will complicate more if testers are placed across continents.

Screen sizes

  • The actual pixel density is the one that is changing constantly in the realm of mobile devices. Developers and designers need to create applications using dynamic elements and layouts. This vast array of screen sizes requires testers to run the gamut of all possible screen sizes and ratios. This will make the work of testers more complicated.

Connection types

Mobile data connection types typically face into three categories: 2G, 3G, and 4G. Each of these is providing generation increases to speed and transmission. The varying speeds and connections across these generations make testing a challenge. Testers should address the measure of bandwidth usage of applications. Many carriers and services plan to do not allow for unlimited data usage.


  • The most critical components of any design and tested application are the ability and inability of users to interact with the application. Mainly, this is critical for applications running on mobile devices. In mobile testing, it is crucial to examine the size and dimensions of interactive elements. Ensuring proper legibility of both text and graphical elements.
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