Tag: automation testing tools

Different Automation Testing Tools

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What are automation testing tools? Automation testing is a testing technique that compares actual output with expected or anticipated results. Furthermore, this software testing technique may be achieved by writing test scripts or using automation testing tools. Automation testing is often used for repetitive tasks. Hence, those that are hard to perform manually. In this article, you will be learning about the different testing tools used for software automation testing. Robotium Robotium is an open-source test framework. It is created to make it easy to write compelling and likewise, robust automatic UI test cases. These test cases are designed for mobile Android applications. With the support of Robotium, test case developers can write function, system, and also acceptance test ...

Automation Testing In-Depth

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Automation testing is the use of software separate from the software being tested to control the execution of tests. And likewise, the comparison of actual outcomes with predicted outcomes. Defining Automation Testing Automated testing or test automation is a method in software testing that makes use of special software tools. Hence, to control the execution of tests. And then compares actual test results with predicted or expected results.  Testing is a crucial phase in the development process. Hence, ensuring that the product, software, or hardware, is functioning as expected. Or as close to the target performance as possible. This is where automated testing comes in. Advantages of Automation Testing Saves time and money by making testing more efficient Improves testing

Understanding Katalon Studio Better

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Katalon Studio is a free test automation tool for automating websites, mobile applications and web services. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xBjNhauVDio&list=PLhW3qG5bs-L_D4ZePNNjvmIULuu6mBHbu What is Katalon Studio Katalon Studio is a free automation testing solution developed by Katalon LLC. The software is built on top of the open-source automation frameworks Selenium, Appium with a specialized IDE interface for API, web and mobile testing.  It has record and playback and manual mode that help non-programmers to effectively create automation test cases. For users with progarmming expertise, it has script mode as well using which users can write test scripts in Groovy. In-Depth: Katalon Studio Katalon Studio is one of the emerging tools

Beta Testing Tools For You

QA articles, QA Tools
Automation testing is being used to test software before releasing it to the public. This is a process wherein you will look for bugs and fix them. It is a part of the development process of a certain software. One of the tests is the beta which will need beta testing tools. What is Beta Testing? Beta testing is the last and final stage of testing. This is done by distributing the product to several users in order to test it. This is where they would discover bugs (if there's any) and fix them before releasing the software to all devices. Doing a beta test will expose the software in the real world outside the company. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RR0rVBZCGsc Beta Testing Tools There are actually different kinds of automation tools which y...